The Lenox Project achieves charitable status

We are delighted to announce that the Lenox Project has successfully completed the process of converting from community interest company status to a fully-fledged charity.

This means that the Charities Commission is satisfied that our organisation exists for charitable purposes, and that these purposes are for the benefit of the public.

As well as giving potential funders and donors the confidence that their money will be used properly, having charitable status will also give us access to a wider range of grants and other funding sources.

The objects of the charity are the advancement of education for the public benefit in ship building and restoration, marine and maritime heritage by:

a) building a replica of the Lenox, a restoration warship, at Convoys Wharf in Deptford and
repairing and building other culturally or historically significant vessels in the future;
b) increasing public understanding and awareness of the history of Deptford, the Royal
Dockyard, and the area’s contribution to the development of shipbuilding;
c) promoting educational, teaching and employment opportunities through a maritime and
manufacturing skills and training programme, and related apprenticeship programmes;
d) establishing a centre of excellence for historic shipbuilding and restoration in Deptford; and
e) launching and sailing the Lenox to support a future programme of sail training.

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