Members of the Lenox Project team visited the safeguarded wharf on the Convoys Wharf site last week to assess project site options with the developer, Hutchison Whampoa.
Lenox Project director Julian Kingston and architectural adviser David Graham inspected the area of the riverside site that was proposed as the most feasible location for the scheme by independent consultant Buro Happold in its report which was published earlier this year.

The canal entrance viewed from the foreshore
The visit was facilitated by Paul Hunt, senior commercial & development manager at Hutchison Property Group (UK), and was preceded by a foreshore walk at low tide to inspect the river wall, in particular the entrance to the canal which originally occupied part of the site.
Our proposals involve reusing the canal to create the docks necessary to build the Lenox and provide a home berth. South of the canal entrance, the alignment of the canal can also be clearly seen at ground level where the top of the buried canal walls are delineated by stonework.

The canal entrance looking east towards Greenwich
A significant amount of work is required to develop these proposals in conjunction with the developer and gain the necessary approvals, and we look forward to starting this process as soon as is practicable.